Friday, February 27, 2009

The future health plan and your pocket book

The future of our economy may be in doubt when viewed from the prospective of the masses, however our healthcare future seems to have had a foundation poured during this crisis. At there is an article discussing the outline for the new taxes that will provide funding for a universal healthcare plan. 

The targeted audience of this particular piece is the middle class American this claim is based upon the fact that the writer looks favorably upon this controversial issue, also the fact that the author mentions the wealthiest 35 % in much of a distant fashion only i.e. as a number or corporation rather than a person with a specific name. 

The writers use quoted tax law and policy to assign credibility for the argument which is supported by purely logical number, percentages and facts, this supports bodes well for the position because it almost seems that this is a neutral article meaning that some one against healthcare reform could read it without offense or being driven from the page by overly strong connotations. The claim is straight forward and I can quote it directly from the article and is as follows "Everyone agrees that all Americans deserve access to affordable health care." This is obviously a band wagon appeal relying on popularity and is just placed at the end of the article so as not to run the reader off but to define a clear position and motive for the piece.

personally I identify with this article it presents the facts fairly and unbiased but it is not just a news flash, in fact it presents the facts in such a way that the reader can make a decision that is not heavily influence but does offer a mainstream opinion so one can feel the pulse of our nation in regards to the healthcare future.  


Friday, February 13, 2009

The ugly side of party politics

I would like to point out an article I read today about the economic stimulus plan, at This is not however a response to the plan itself or even the economic strife our country or world is facing today, in fact this is a foray into our nations political party system. You may ask how I can draw part undertones from a simple stimulus article. The most simplistic answer is a sentence found that reads as follows, "Hours earlier, the package cleared the House easily, albeit without Republican support." I draw your attention to this sentence in particular not so point out that the bill was facing opposition but to underline the solidarity of the Republican opposition to the plan, the parties use this tactic for one simple purpose complete deniability, or the ability to take no responsibility for the plan itself. This is done so that if the plan does not work completely finger pointing can begin and one party can weaken the other. many may call this political savvy or just good strategy, I myself think this is an extremely harmful action that weakens not only our governmental process but sows seeds of doubt. While this article is not the only place where party lines do more harm than good but it is a major fulcrum in the modern division in our government that stands in the way of progress. 
In summation I strongly believe that for our political leader to lead America into a prosperous and long lasting future we must shed the shackles of party lines and allow government process to revolve solely on the issues and how the good of the whole will progress rather than how to garnish power from on party to the other.

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